Build Bigger Shoulders in 15 Minutes

In Home by devanLeave a Comment

I keep getting asked for some workouts for when you’re short on time, so here is the first in a series to deliver on that request. Each article in this series I’ll be focusing on a body part to help you achieve your ideal physique whether it be that of a god, a superhero, a mere mortal.

I’m starting with shoulders because for that great physique we’re all aiming for it’s near the top of the list. We want big shoulders for that V-tapered look. The shoulder to waist ratio. We’ll also be looking at the chest, and back in the next couple of 15 minute shoulder workouts.

In this workout we will be hitting all three heads of the deltoid with some of my favorite shoulder exercises.

Grab a pair of dumbbells (15-20 lbs should be sufficient), and an EZ curl bar (you can put 5’s on each side and up as needed)

Dumbbell Rear-Delt Raise
Taking a dumbbell in each hand you’ll bend your knees, and bend over keeping your back close to horizontal. Make sure to brace your core, and keep you back flat. Your elbows will have a slight bend in them and your palms will be facing each other. Raise the dumbbells to your sides until your elbows are about shoulder height. Remember to keep your elbows slightly bent the entire duration of the movement. Lower your arms to the starting position, repeat.

Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise
With your feet about shoulder width apart grasp a dumbbell at each side with neutral grip (your palms facing each other). Slowly raise both of the dumbbells up and out to your sides. You want to keep your arms straight with just a slight bend in the elbow. When you reach just above parallel with the floor you’ll want to pause for a brief moment before lowering the dumbbells to the starting position, repeat.

Dumbbell Dumbbell Front Lateral Raise
Your feet will be shoulder width apart again with dumbbells in each hand. This time your hands will be pronated (your palms facing the floor). Dumbbells will start in front of your thighs. With knees slightly bent you’ll lift the dumbbells straight up in front of your body. When you reach just above parallel with the floor you’ll want to pause briefly lowering to the starting position, repeat.

Upright Row (ez curl bar)
Standing with feet shoulder width apart you’ll have the ez curl bar in front of your thighs. Your hands will be holding the inner grips of the ez curl bar (or if you have a barbell about hip-width). Lift the ez curl bar straight up to your upper chest. Keep the bar close to your body the entire time. Pause at the top. Return to the starting position and start over.

Javelin Press (ez curl bar)
Also called the one arm barbell press, or the javelin thrower press. Grab the ez curl bar (or barbell) in the very middle using a neutral grip. Keep your core engaged. Raise the bar as if you were going to throw it like a spear or a javelin. Get the name now? Your palm should be facing your head, your knuckles away from your body. Press the bar above your head. Pause. Lower to starting position. Repeat.

Plank in push-up position
Get into push-up position. This is basically it. If you can hold a tight push-up position hold for the prescribed amount of time. Make sure you’re pulling your abs, and keeping your hips from dropping towards the floor, or sticking your butt into the air. If you actually need to make the movement more difficult you can lift one foot off the floor, or go into a plank position on your forearms, and then back into push-up position.

Rest as little as each movement, when you’ve done A1, proceed to A2, then A3
A1: Rear Delt Raise
Reps: Failure
A2: Side Lateral Raise
Reps: Failure
A3: Front Lateral Raise
Reps: Failure
Rest 60 seconds repeat 3 rounds then move to B1

B1: Upright Row
Reps: Failure
B2: Javelin Press
Reps: Failure
Check the clock and get into plank position for your “rest”

C1: Plank for remaining time.

That’s it. Drop a comment and let me know how the workout was.