11 Ways to Dominate the week Starting with Monday

In Home, Mental Toughness by devanLeave a Comment

I’m sitting here writing this on a Sunday night, and if you’re like most people you’re dreading tomorrow. I’m excited for tomorrow, because I’m excited for every day.

If you’re focused on your mission there shouldn’t be any Monday Blues. Occasionally every one has a down day, but it seems that 99% of the population has a down day every Monday. If you’re not excited to wake up and start kicking ass then you need to figure out what would make you excited. Next Monday wake up ready to dominate the week.

1. Stop being Busy & Prioritize

Almost everyone I know is too busy to do something or another. They are constantly telling someone else that they’ve been too busy to do whatever it is they need to do.
“Been playing guitar much lately?” “Nah man, I’ve been too busy.”
Don’t get me wrong I’ve used this excuse plenty of times, but that’s not how we are going to dominate. Most of the people using that excuse are working 9-5’s and watching netflix when they get home to unwinde. Are you too busy, or do you just not have priorities?

2. Pick One Most Important Task

Every single day have one item that’s your most important task. That no matter what you will accomplish this one task. This needs to be an action that will take you one step closer to your goals. I don’t want to see follow 25 people on instagram, or be in bed by 10pm. If that’s shit you need to do then get it done, your most important task should be something that gets you closer to your goal. Right now my goal is to build an audience through releasing quality content, so an important task could be “Write 1 article, record 1 video”. If you have a physique competition coming up your most important task could be hitting your macros and prepping food accordingly.

3. Keep a gratitude Journal

You know why? Because if you’re grateful for what’s surrounding you, you’re not going to be blue on Monday. I’m grateful I have the opportunity to write this list, and to be inspired by an article Forbes published. Aim for writing at least 5 things per day. I keep a separate journal strictly for gratitude. If you’re ever down just crack that open and read back to a few things that you were grateful for.

4. Meditate

A lot of people struggle with meditation because they think that it all entails sitting and quieting their mind for 30+ minutes. This is not the case at all. If you’ve never meditated before start with 2 minutes. Try 2 minutes per day just taking time to yourself. Breathing, and focusing on whatever comes up in your mind. You can progress and worry about the other stuff from there. When you successfully do 2 minutes few days in a row, try 5. I meditate on average only 10 minutes per day using the headspace app on my phone.

5. Sleep

Sleep is my enemy. I’m always wanting it when I need to wake up in the morning, and always super motivated and high energy when I’m needing to sleep. Aim for 7+ hours every night. I aim to be in bed by midnight, and up at 7am. Ideally I’d be in bed at 10 and up at 5 or 6, but for right now I’m sticking with something I can achieve consistently.

6. Intervals with the pomodoro timer

If your work or hustle allows use a Pomodor timer. There are plenty available online http://tomato-timer.com/, and for Android/iOS. I’m actually using one right now while I’m writing this. Every 25 minutes you take a short break to re-energize your brain.
Decide what task you’ll be doing
Set the pomodor timer to 25 minutes (more or less if you need)
Work relentlessly until the timer goes off.
Take a short break (3-5 minutes)
Repeat 4 times. Then take a longer break (15-30 minutes)

7. Eat awesome

You are what you put into your mind and your body. Make sure you’re putting good nutritious food into your body. My first meal of the day is a protein smoothie, and fruit smoothie. Getting my micro nutrients, and protein in.

8. Read

This is what you’re feeding your mind. If you don’t like reading check out Audible, or make sure you’re surrounding yourself with people that are much smarter than you are. In order to create you must consume.

9. Workout

Your goals don’t have to be to build huge biceps, or even lose fat, but working out has a ton of other benefits. It can improve your mood, increase your energy, help you get better sleep, improve your sex life, and so much more. If you don’t have a workout plan, sign up for my newsletter and you’ll get 10 workouts for free.

10. Get Up and Move Around

If you sit at a desk for your work get up and move around. When your Pomodoro timer goes off, get up and stretch. Walk. MOVE AROUND. Sitting constantly is killing us. Make sure you’re getting up as often as you can.

11. Reflect and Set New Goals

This is something I strive to do daily. At the end of every day I like to reflect on what happened throughout the day. If you keep a journal that’s a great tool for reflection. Then I like to set new goals, and decide what my MIT (most important task) for the next day is going to be.